
Window Password Reset

Window Password Reset

Forgetting your Windows password can be frustrating, but PC Plus Computing Inc. offers expert guidance to help you reset it efficiently. Whether you’re locked out of your personal computer or managing a business system, following these steps will assist you in regaining access.

1. Understanding Password Reset Options

Before proceeding, it’s essential to understand the available options for resetting a Windows password:

  • Local Account Password Reset
  • Microsoft Account Password Reset
  • Password Reset Disk
  • Safe Mode with Command Prompt

2. Resetting a Local Account Password

For Windows 10 and Windows 11:

  1. Using Password Hint:

    • On the login screen, enter the incorrect password and click “OK.” If a password hint is available, it will appear. Use the hint to recall your password.
  2. Reset via Another Admin Account:

    • If another administrator account is available:
      • Log in to the other admin account.
      • Open Control Panel > User Accounts > Manage another account.
      • Select the locked account and choose “Change the password.”
  3. Using Safe Mode with Command Prompt:

    • Restart your computer and press F8 (or Shift + F8) during boot to enter Advanced Boot Options.
    • Select Safe Mode with Command Prompt.
    • In Command Prompt, type:
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