
Malware Protection | PC Plus Computing

What is a Malware?

Malware, short for malicious software. This is software that is specifically designed to gain access or damage a computer without the knowledge of the owner. Malware can slow your computer and your computer start getting a lot of pop ups. Here is the list of signs of malware infection.

When you log onto your computer and it takes forever to boot up. When it finally does, a few unfamiliar applications litter your desktop, and your browser immediately sends you to an ad for different types. Furthermore, You\’re getting a message that you have error on your drive. This means you have malware on your  computer.

Sounds like your PC has a problem with malware.

Signs of Malware issues on your computer:

  1. Slow down your computer
  2. Pop-Ups on computer when you open up browser
  3. Computer Crashes every now and then
  4. Suspicious hard drive activity. seems computer busy processing data
  5. Running out of hard drive space
  6. Unusually high network activity on your network.
  7. New home page new task bars
  8. Unusual messages or programs that start automatically
  9. Your security solution is disabled or start getting errors
  10. Your friends tell you that they are getting strange messages from you
  11. New, unfamiliar icons on desktop
  12. You see unusual error messages
  13. Black screen or Blue Screen
  14. You are unable to access the Control Panel, Task Manager, Registry Editor or Command Prompt
  15. Computer stop booting or boot up very slow

We can remove all type of Malware from your computer here at PC Plus Computing

Call us now 604-760-1662

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